Mr.Talbot Wins Nebo PEAK Award

Submitted by madie.treanor on

Our very own Mr.Talbot was nominated and awarded for a PEAK award this week!  We love having Mr.Talbot here at East Meadows. 

Nebo School District wants to showcase our Positive Energy and Kind employees. PEAK Awards are nominated by patrons and recognized by the Superintendent Staff and Nebo School Board of Education. The award is administered by the Communications and Community Relations Department. 

School Play Date Changes

Submitted by madie.treanor on


I am so sorry for the influx of emails!  We just learned that there is a conflict with SF City on the night of our play performances.  Therefore, we are adjusting the dates of the mandatory tech rehearsals and the dates of the actual performances. Please check these new dates and make sure there are no conflicts before signing your child up for the play.  Thanks!! 

Tech Rehearsals:


Happy New Year

Submitted by madie.treanor on

East Meadows Families,

We hope that as the New Year comes that you all find happiness & health. We as a faculty, find ourselves so lucky to be able to associate with you and your children each and every day! We have many goals to help your children learn more and more this year. Let's not just Win The Day but Win The Year 2022. 

Regular School Day

Submitted by madie.treanor on

Regular school day for Nebo on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Remember to check Nebo website for any updates at

Thank you to all those clearing our roads. 

Please be careful driving today.