4H Spring Service Project

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
East Meadows Elementary 4H students had the privilege of helping to stuff Easter eggs for the Spanish Fork City Easter egg hunt! The students met after school, and made light work of filling the more than 10,000 plastic eggs that will be used in the hunt. Many thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring the hunt and giving the East Meadows 4H group the eggsellent opportunity to serve.
JoDee Mercer

Dad and Donuts

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

On Wednesday evening, March 10, dads gathered up their kids and took them to the annual Dads and Donuts event at East Meadows Elementary. Those that attended enjoyed eating donuts while reading books with their students and visiting with neighbors. It’s a great tradition that many look forward to each year.

Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Crystal Apple award this year goes to the brains of our operation. Julie Hammari leads our team through her talents, knowledge, abilities and height. She has been a great leader and teacher for both faculty and students here at East Meadows Elementary. She has always been willing to change a grade level because of her nature to be flexible and ability to work in any situation. This is most apparent in her current grade level team. Julie began teaching at Canyon Elementary as an intern in the 5th grade. She then moved to 3rd grade the next year and back to 5th her third year at Canyon.

Garrett Andersen, Adam Gull, and sixth-grade teaching colleagues