Creative Pumpkins

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

East Meadows second-grade students have been making interesting creations with pumpkins. Pumpkins are being displayed on tables in the hallway for those who want to take a peek. Many thanks to the supportive parents that help all of our little creative geniuses.

Kindergarten Nature Walk

Submitted by trisha.olsen on

To start off their study of the seasons, the East Meadows kindergartners went on a nature walk. While walking around the school, students enjoyed observing signs of fall. They found an assortment of leaves in different colors, small branches and flowers, various seeds, and pine cones.  They each made a bag to collect their items in. 

1st Grade Johnny Appleseed Day

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Johnny Appleseed (Joy Smith) visited East Meadows Elementary on September 24, 2010. He read a story about himself to the students. The students participated in many apple activities that day. They watched a movie about Johnny Appleseed and read stories. Each student brought an apple from home and during math they graphed which color of apple their class liked best. Some of the classes made applesauce, some painted using apples, and they had lots of fun apple lessons and activities.

Camp Floyd

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

East Meadows fourth-grade students visited historic Camp Floyd. This former military post is located just 25 miles southwest of Lehi and at one time quartered the largest troop concentration in the United States until soldiers were called to return East in 1861 for Civil War duty. Now only a cemetery and commissary building remain. Nearby, however, is the Stagecoach Inn which was used as an overnight stop on the Pony Express route. Students enjoyed a full day at Camp Floyd.

Pirates Descend on East Meadows

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
First-grade pirates came to school today, September 16, ready to learn and have some fun pirate activities. Dressing up as pirates was just part of enhancing their math and literacy activities. Students gave themselves special pirate names and spoke like pirates. They went on a treasure hunt and wrote about their adventures. Students also enjoyed graphing ‘marshmallow mateys’ and reading pirate stories.

Exploring a Local Wetland

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
On September 16, East Meadows 3rd graders explored Salem Pond, a local wetland. Parents and teachers guided them through various activities. Students learned that there are many habitats within a wetland. They observed plants and animals living in the marsh. They looked for signs of pollution, talked about ways to help protect the environment and gathered up trash found in the area. Many students enjoyed collecting water samples in specimen cups and observing living organisms through a microscope lens.

East Meadows Mustang Week

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Students enjoyed a week of fun-filled activities as they celebrated Mustang Week sponsored by the staff and PTA of East Meadows. The goal for the week was to have some fun activities and events that helped students feel a part of the East Meadows community. Many cowboys and cowgirls descended on the school Tuesday for western dress-up day. On Wednesday, the kids learned a few country-western dance moves as they learned to line dance.

East Meadows Leaves a Smile for Jerry

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Students and staff at East Meadows Elementary lost a dear friend over labor-day weekend. Jerry Reynolds passed away on Sunday, September 4. Jerry was beginning his fifth year as a school custodian. His hard work and good humor added to the friendly atmosphere at East Meadows. He took the time and effort to get to know students and recognize them by name which they loved. “He always said ‘hi’ to me and smiled,” said Morgan Latham.

East Meadows Elects a Student Council

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Each year, East Meadows elects sixth-grade students to serve on a student council. The student council represents and serves the school in a variety of capacities. They do morning announcements, learn about service-project opportunities the school can get involved in, and come up with ideas to help improve the school. These students will have the opportunity to attend a student-council conference at Brigham Young University. Through this conference and in serving the school, they will get an early start at learning how to be good leaders. Congratulations to this year’s school council.