Here you will find the lessons that will be used in the collaborative classroom instruction lessons.
Welcome to Ms. Shakespear's counseling website. I am the school counselor at East Meadows and Mapleton Elementary Schools. I have the great opportunity of working with students through classroom guidance lessons, small group counseling, and individual counseling. I also collaborate with school staff and parents in order to best meet the needs of students.
Classroom Guidance Lessons
I visit each classroom multiple times throughout the school year and have the chance to interact with every student during these lessons. Lessons typically last 15-20 minutes in length and cover topics such as school readiness skills, understanding feelings of self and others, problem solving skills, friendship skills, and study skills.
Small Group Counseling
A variety of small groups are offered to students who may benefit from spending some extra time developing academic, social, or emotional skills along with their peers, and to students who are coping with similar life situations. Groups can have anywhere from 3-12 members and usually meet once a week for several weeks.
Individual Counseling
Some students can benefit from one-on-one counseling regarding academic, social, or emotional challenges. This is not long term counseling, but an opportunity to practice skills and tools for coping and emotional regulation.
Intervention Strategies that can be used at home and at school -
Here you will find the lessons that will be used in the collaborative classroom instruction lessons.
Make sure that you allow room in your daily schedule for calm and relaxation.
Here you will find counseling resources available for students and families.