October 2010

Fall 4H Afterschool Service Project

Submitted by trisha.olsen on

The fall 4-H Afterschool Clubs at East Meadows Elementary prepared Halloween treat bags for their service project on October 12, 2010. These bags will be delivered by 4-H teens to patients in the hospitals and nursing homes in Utah County.  They also made Halloween cards to go along with the bags.  They picked up trash around the school and made a treat for themselves to eat.  On Monday, November 22nd at 2:45 pm will be the Parent Showcase Celebration for all Afterschool participants.

Red Ribbon Week

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Students begin Red Ribbon week by wearing red to school. This week, October 18-22, students will be reminded about the importance of staying away from drugs and harmful substances. To mark the importance of this message, students are asked to dress with a certain theme each day: Tuesday--school shirts to show school pride, Wednesday--favorite team jersey or shirt, Thursday--crazy shoe day and Friday--sweats and slippers day.

Kindergarten Hay Ride

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

East Meadows kindergarten students get a chance to enjoy the fall weather riding on a trailer pulled by two beautiful haflinger horses. School staff members wish to thank Brenda and Clair Christensen for volunteering their time, horses, and trailer for this fun tradition.

Creative Pumpkins

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

East Meadows second-grade students have been making interesting creations with pumpkins. Pumpkins are being displayed on tables in the hallway for those who want to take a peek. Many thanks to the supportive parents that help all of our little creative geniuses.

Kindergarten Nature Walk

Submitted by trisha.olsen on

To start off their study of the seasons, the East Meadows kindergartners went on a nature walk. While walking around the school, students enjoyed observing signs of fall. They found an assortment of leaves in different colors, small branches and flowers, various seeds, and pine cones.  They each made a bag to collect their items in. 

1st Grade Johnny Appleseed Day

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Johnny Appleseed (Joy Smith) visited East Meadows Elementary on September 24, 2010. He read a story about himself to the students. The students participated in many apple activities that day. They watched a movie about Johnny Appleseed and read stories. Each student brought an apple from home and during math they graphed which color of apple their class liked best. Some of the classes made applesauce, some painted using apples, and they had lots of fun apple lessons and activities.

Camp Floyd

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

East Meadows fourth-grade students visited historic Camp Floyd. This former military post is located just 25 miles southwest of Lehi and at one time quartered the largest troop concentration in the United States until soldiers were called to return East in 1861 for Civil War duty. Now only a cemetery and commissary building remain. Nearby, however, is the Stagecoach Inn which was used as an overnight stop on the Pony Express route. Students enjoyed a full day at Camp Floyd.