LOVE TO READ MONTH - February 1st - 28th

Submitted by teresa.jordan on
Love to Read Month - Students to read every day!

This month we will be celebrating LOVE TO READ MONTH at East Meadows.  Check out the weekly themes and be sure to check your email (and your child's backpack) for more information, details and the punch cards that will be coming home.  

Students are challenged to read EVERY DAY and to use their punch card to track their daily reading.  Punch cards are due on February 28th and will be your child's ticket to our Reading Celebration to be held on Friday, March 1st! 

Things parents need to know:

Week 1 - 

*We will introduce the LOVE TO READ THEME and have students sign a pledge to read the required minutes for the goal set by their classroom at least 20 days in the month of February.  Students will bring home a card to mark the days read.  They can return it to their classroom as soon as they have completed the 20 days

Week 2 - 

*White Ribbon Week to promote digitial citizenship and internet safety.  Students will learn to be "Media Detectives" to stay safe online.  We will have daily themes and activities througout the week.

Week 3 - 

*Students are invited to trade valentines with their classmates in class parties on Wednesday and to look for ways to show Random Acts of Kindness throughout the whole week.(Examples:  Smile at someone, play with a new friend at recess, clean up our school, help a teacher, hold a door open for someone, leave a secret note.  The ideas are endless...)  

Week 4 - 

*Students are invited to save change to bring for the East Meadows Penny Wars.  Jars will be set out after the President's Day holiday for students to donate to the NEBO Credit Union Warm the Soles Program that provides shoes to students in need in our school and throughout the district.

Week 5 - Literacy Week

*All students that complete the 20 day reading goal will be invited to participate in the reading celebration on March 1st.  Students will participate in a classroom Read-a-thon.  They will trade their reading card for an ice cream treat at the East Meadows Ice Cream Cart that day!